My room-mate and I hired this company to move our heavy belongings from one apartment to another within the same complex. It was $100 for two guys for two hours. We made a plan for each of us to be at each apartment at all times to be smart about it since we were both unsure about bringing people we didn't know into our home. She had just got out of the Navy and had lived in Japan so she had no bank account, only credit cards she used to withdraw $80 (the remaining amount we would owe the movers after putting a $20 deposit down) and put it in her wallet. We were really good about sticking with the plan but the ONE time I walked back with the guys to the other apartment so I could make sure they were putting the stuff in the right places one of the guys rushed back to the other apartment and by the time I realized he'd been alone for 5-10 minutes. I didn't think too much of it but when my room-mate went to pay them at the end of the two hours $60 of the $80 was missing! How dumb could this guy be to not realize this was the exact amount we would owe them and to only take $60 of it? I called the owner and he said to just send them away and not pay them anything else (didn't plan on it). He said he had another family have the same problem with the same person. We haven't noticed anything else missing and this was 3 months ago so we only ended up paying $80 but still I wouldn't trust this company in your home around your stuff.