| - A touch of country in the suburbs! Being fond of St. Jacobs, this store reminded me of that country feeling, but in Brampton!
There is a small "petting zoo" or caged area of chickens, roosters and a goat on the one side of the parking lot where for $0.25 you can buy some feed to feed the animals.
From the great big apple outside of the store, we bought an apple slush for $2.50 and though tasty, the ice chunks were a bit big, you did have to chew a bit to break down the ice.
This grocery store has all of your necessities, produce, meats, dairy, and baked goods. I was a bit disappointed that today most of the produce was from the U.S., but I did buy some produce that was grown locally.
As we were browsing, some music starting playing and a curtained off area rose to reveal a automated "veggie music band" with its star being the apple and they sang and danced to amuse the little kids in the store. Very nice touch! Totally unnecessary, but appreciated!
Apple cider samples are available for you to try before you buy, and it was very tasty. Also, the cider is pasteurized, so pregnant mamas and children can happily imbibe.
Finally the bakery area is fantastic, with very helpful service, explaining the different pies, and helping you decide which delicate pie to take home. The pie was warm when we received it and stayed warm until we ate it later that day. Highly recommended! We haven't broken into the butter tarts yet, but they too look delicious!
So if you're looking for a break from your regular grocery store and want some fresh apple pie, go to The Apple Factory!