Now that it is cold I am really upset that your cleaners "donated" my 2 expensive winter coats after u tried to call me AT NUMBER STORED IN COMPUTER THAT WAS THE STORES NOT MINE. I was told oh well state law, which was a lie! And that "we r not your closet!!! " You would think in their "numerous" attempts to call me to pick up they would notice it was your own store number. More lies. If you have expensive items u may never see them again! BEWARE
Just received an "explanation". My winter coats where not there 10 mos!!! I attempted to pick up 1st November. And the phone number in your computer for me was YOUR number. I contacted the state there is NO 3 month law. Only a code that is not a law! Every dry cleaner I spoke with states they hold at least 1 year. Who made all the phone calls to me to pick up? Must be in your system? You make yourself appear exactly what your r LIARS!