| - Worst customer service I have ever had... we walked in and the human working stared down at the counter on her phone for a good solid couple of minutes before she finally acknowledged us. Even then, no welcome, no hello, no smile, nothing. Even your lowliest McDonalds employee knows how to welcome someone in to their restaurant. We later heard her talking to the local D bag at the counter saying she had been there since 5am (it was close to 8pm). Still, that's no excuse, and especially if she knew how to talk to him, she could have treated us like fellow humans. Maybe take a cue from Dutch Bros, who finds millennials who actually have some people skills. I used to think Optima would be a cool place to live, but after seeing the losers that hang out here, I'm glad I don't. Oh, and the bowls we ate were overpriced. This place won't last.