| - In the mood for pho this evening after hosting a huge home-cooked prime rib meal, we headed down to the closest pho place around my house. Well, not sure if this was THE closest, but suffice to say that there isn't one that close to my house so found the next best thing. I think pho in Vegas is generally good, so my main objective is to find somewhere that is clean. Kihn Do, Pho Sing Sing, and this place all offer the cleanliness and good pho, so all are equally recommended.
New Saigon in John's Creek, GA still offers the best pho, not necessarily from taste standpoint (they're all good) but more from the ingredients. They give you a lot of everything, very fresh, and extra sides of cilantro and onions. I have yet to find that anywhere in Vegas, so while the taste is comparable from soup & noodle standpoint, they just can't compare to what New Saigon offers in the "extras". Still, it's good food, staff are friendly, and price is reasonable so it all amounts to a good 4-star rating. The convenience for me will favor this place over the others.
Table-for-1 Factor: Any Asian noodle shops should be just fine for eating alone (except those in the casinos, I guess), and this place is no exception.