So the first time we got here they had just shut down for the day. It was a Saturday afternoon, after our daughters roller derby game. So "Sean" (the host at Mr. Mamas) suggested that we; checkout Rolling Smoke BBQ... WE ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!
Later that night we go have dinner at Gordan Ramsey's Burger (Amazing). Bump into friends there (more derby fam) and they tell us Gordon is across the street at his new Hells Kitchen spot. So we haul butt over there just to miss him and current contestants.
While we were there we had it set in our minds we would come back for breakfast Sunday morning seeing as they already had 600 reservation for lunch and dinner that night.
But Sunday morning as I am getting dressed to head over there I remember Mr. Mamas. So glad I got to experience this place. Everything we ordered was perfect. The staff? Great. The layout? Great. Food? A+
There was nothing I had an issue with. Not even the prices. I cannot wait to go back!