| - I've been a member here on-and-off for a decade, and this club keeps hitting new lows. It shows all signs of dying a slow death. Equipment is decaying and maintenance is awful. On my last visit, 6 of 10 TVs worked, the attendant said he isn't able to change channels (that's new, and if true, ridiculous), and only one audio track worked. That one channel with working audio was showing a Seinfeld episode. Terrible.
Literally the only reason to sign up here is to play squash. There is zero investment into the club. They cut the fitness classes, the creaky equipment is poorly maintained, half the staff are surly, and head office has obviously decided they aren't putting a dime into the place.
Don't waste your time, there are better options. For example, there's a community centre around the corner in Grange Park that has new equipment and is half the price.