I love the concept and liveliness of Marché, but not so much the food. Under the same family of restaurants as Richtree, Marché's strongest point is the interactive aspect of browsing and huge variety of choice offered.
Upon entry, you're given a card to swipe each time you make a selection. It's the buffet experience, with the buffet-quality food, and with what inevitably adds up to the buffet price...only without the buffet quantity.
The decor is intriguing, with different seating areas scattered in nooks around the central open space, each with it's own flair. They really could be different restaurants mishmashed together. This is a nice aspect for group dinners, where your party can essentially take over an entire area for yourselves. Considering the indestructible crust of the cheese pie I had, group dinners will probably be the only reason I'm coming back here, under social duress.