My opinion of the mayo clinic has changed after nearly 2 yrs of experiences with the clinic. First of all the instructions that I was given for a lab prep were wrong. When I asked why, the nurse told me that they tried but couldn't get it changed to the correct instructions.
I agreed to take part in a study and was told that no extra blood wood be taken for the study but they would use what was already drawn. The lab technician took I believe, 5 vials of blood for what was suppose to be just enough for a psa test. I asked everyone that I came in contact with why did they take so much blood but never got an answer. There never is anyone to talk to about questions or problems.
They schedule so that if you have an early morning appointment you will not be finished until noon. Multiple times I have been scheduled for 2 lab appointments that take 5 minutes each but are scheduled for 1 hour each. Then you are schedule for the doctor appointment 1 hour after the last lab. On one occasion I waited 2 hours to see my doctor after the last lab appointment before I left without seeing him.
There is no one to complain to nor are there any critique forms to voice your opinion. They don't want to here your complaints. My internist from another facility was over billed by the mayo clinic and it took him 9 months to get it corrected. The most frustrating part is that there isn't anyone to talk to. I've left a message for the office manager but did not get a return call from her. They don't want to hear from you, just give them your insurance card, then sit down and wait.