I've been seeing Andra for almost a year now for lash extensions, and I cannot imagine ever going to anyone else! Before I found her I saw a few other lash technicians but nobody can do lashes like Andra. She listens to what you want and does such an incredible job. She uses incredibly high quality tools and glue, and doesn't overdo it on the glue like a lot of lash techs can do (before I started seeing Andra I had leftover glue fall in my eye almost every month. It has not happened once since I've started seeing her.) She truly cares about lash health and won't compromise your actual lashes which is a big deal.
My favorite thing about Andra is how easy and fun it is to talk to her. I look forward to every appointment because we have such a good time, the time goes by so quickly! Plus I've never been disappointed in my lashes and get so many compliments. I absolutely recommend Andra - go see her and support local business!!