| - Futures and I have had our ups and downs over the years. It's been a love-hate-love-hate sort of thing.
We first met in the summer. Futures has a gorgeous patio. Always filled with happy people and summery drinks, I found myself enjoying coming here on a regular basis. Service was slow, but hey, it was a cool spot, and I was willing to overlook some faults in this stage of the relationship.
Eventually came the nachos test. They were awful. I can't specifically remember what it was, but I vowed never to mention them in Future's vicinity again, and for years I didn't. But I thought, hey, why not try breakfast? Also awful. The eggs were mediocre. Nothing else was all that impressive. 0 for 2. I decided Futures was a place to grab coffee and the occasional beer.
Time passed, and while there with some friends, the topic of food came up. Chicken fingers. Why not, I thought. They were good. I was surprised. I actually liked something not in liquid form at Futures. In time, I came to find other good items on the menu.
The moral here is that Futures has a lot to offer. Not all of it is up to snuff. But there are things that are worth coming back for.