| - I'm giving 2 stars because they have a large selection of flavors to choose from, and there was a coupon on yelp for trying them. It also is a cool looking place in a fairly easy to find location. That said, I'm not sure if the young man helping me was new, but he should not have been there alone if that was the case.
I mentioned I had never been here before, or any vape shop like this. I was hoping he could explain the DIY process, I really had to drag information out of him, I figured out the flavor book by myself. Any questions I had seemed overwhelming. I asked about the difference between similar flavors, and how high I should burn their liquids. Basically I got, whatever voltage you want will be fine. I've tried several brands and they all have their sweet spot, I expected a place making their own to know more about the liquid. I ended up going with a cool honeydew (my go to flavor trying new brands) instead of trying anything too wild since I couldn't really get any input. It tastes pretty gross, almost earthy as another reviewer put it. The smell of the vapor reminded me of a reptile tank, it's offensive and I feel bad for those around me when I vape it due to the smell, which defeats the purpose of why I switched from cigs to vape. I read online that it takes several weeks for eliquid to "steep" and mature in flavor. As this will certainly just get thrown in some drawer I'll update my review on the flavor if time indeed improves it. Very disappointed as the reviews for this place were so unrepresentitive of my personal experience.