I think the first time I went to El conventos. It was back when we were the only girls in the place other than the drag queens. It quickly became my favourite place to dance. Without fail on an empty night or otherwise bad night Rico's always came through cuz the music is EVERYTHING! Alas I must apologize to the glbtq community as breeders come and take over.... Back then a male strip show was rare I. E yearly only for Mr. Rico pageant now it's weekly? Hey he was cute and could wine his body! The drag show is still giving me life but more and more embarrassing drunk girls without good friends be in the drag performers way and not even tipping. Ladies we know makeup, shoes etc ain't cheap... now imagine how expensive it is for drag queens. You want to dance with her TIP HER! BE RESPECTFUL KNOW THE RULES! Straight people making us look bad are the only drawback. Rico's still manages to have me dancing 90% of the time!