After a frustrating and 3 and 1/2 hour late journey from Washington, DC to Charlotte, I was murderous. I boarded the train at 11:10 am in DC and finally arrived in Charlotte at 12:30 am because of not 1, not 2 but 3 broken down freight trains at various points during the trip. When I requested a refund of my return fare, I was told that it was not Amtrak's policy to refund any monies after travel had been completed. To add insult to injury, there were no less than 6 different passengers on the train that talked non-stop on their cellphones -- and was told by the conductor that Amtrak has no formal policy with regard to cell phone usage on trains. What a shit-show Amtrak is now and I would sooner risk my life hitch-hiking than ever set foot on another Amtrak train.