I have trained under many martial arts teachers before starting at the Toronto branch of the Shaolin Temple Quanfa Institute and have to say that this is the real thing.
If you are interested in learning real Shaolin Kung Fu, this is the place to be.
This school's teacher is directly trained by Master Shi Guo Song, a real Shaolin warrior monk, among other things. (look him up!)
This school is also special as it teaches Shaolin Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong, something that I had not heard of before. That curiosity made me try their free class event (they have these events regularly, look for it!) and I do not regret enrolling!
The teacher is friendly and sociable and offers separate classes depending on your interests and wallet size.
All in all, I believe that attending classes at the Toronto branch of the Shaolin Temple Quanfa Institute is a good investment in yourself.
I highly recommend it!