| - Every so often, you just need a place to go to when you've had maybe one too many drinks and want something to soak it up with. When that time comes, a place that's cheap, fast, and good seems like a mirage, especially as the clock approaches midnight. Well, somehow Get Some Burritos seems to get all 3 right, and they're open until late enough into the night to satisfy most drunkravings.
I had the Carne Asada burrito, while my colleague had the Badger Burrito (which is essentially the Carne Asada with french fries stuffed into it). Watching the food being made in the open kitchen layout gave me a good feeling for what is otherwise a dark hole in the wall, and the finished product confirmed that everything was fresh and quite tasty. I felt it well worth the additional upcharge from your assembly-line Taco Bell, which is what midnight drunk food runs would otherwise be made of.
All in all, this place wrapped up my night well, and I do expect to happily wander in here again in the future.