Save yourself the trouble and don't be so cheap that you come to this place. Management has a chip on their shoulders and miss treats those below them along with the customers. Karletta is like a super evil villain with a pendulum swinging side to side in her basement with a log to tie you under it or the motel manager equivalent to Seinfeld's Soup Nazi. "No dirty, nasty, roach, and rats motel for you!" Don't be drawn in by the price. You're still going to get ripped off. I don't know a situation where you can win here. Sleep in your vehicle if nothing else is available. Call Metro PD for safety tips where to park but avoid this little gem. You will thank me and the lack of bed bug bites or the military complex style of running things there. At 11am sharp the round up begins "check out time is now!!" "Leave now or pay late fee" which you will still be required to pay and leave promptly" and maybe get 86'd because the management is a power tripping crazy lady with a pistol. She's proud of this description as she actually clicks the like button on this comment.