| - I love to go to the barber shop with the Anaconda when he gets his hair cut. Is that weird?
We actually went to his usual spot first, only to find it had closed early that day. Since we had plans that evening and his hair looked like crap, this was an emergency. I remembered there was a barber shop in the old Huntridge Plaza, so we cruised over and saw that it had become Hi-Rollers, but any port in a storm so we strolled in.
Looked promising since there were three barbers and 3 or 4 guys in line, so we popped a squat and figured it would go pretty quickly. Never have I been so wrong.
I sat with a growing mixture of fascination and annoyance as one barber, who APPEARED to be about finished with his client, continued for at least another 45 minutes to individually trim hairs he had obviously already cut, with no discernible difference resulting. I have no idea how long the customer was actually there, start to finish, but at the end he was sporting a High and Tight that any Marine Corps boot camp barber could have delivered in 10 minutes or less. Still, he rose up out of that chair and swaggered out of there with the confident air of a man who really had it going on, so I knew there was more to this place than meets the eye.
And what does meet the eye is actually pretty cool. The deep red walls are adorned in a mixture of Day of the Dead and old school tattoo decor, and there is a display cabinet with a resplendent array of pomades. I could almost smell the testosterone. Their copy of "Goodfellas" was playing on the television, and they could quote it almost as well as me!
As I came to the dawning realization that we were going to be there for a while - quite a while, I also became aware that I didn't really mind all that much. I was becoming quite entranced with the banter between the employees and customers (no doubt somewhat censored due to the presence of what they mistakenly assumed to be a lady), and with the novelty of watching beards meticulously trimmed one whisker at a time.
By time our three hour experience came to a close, it had turned from an ordeal into a surprisingly pleasant afternoon. And the Anaconda was transformed from a musk ox into a pretty handsome guy.
Would return for sure, but will pack a lunch next time.