My St. Patty's night ended here. I so wish I could give 1/2 stars. I wanna say 4.5. This place was almost close to perfect.
An actual Irish guy (accent & all) drank with me. Need I say more?! That made my night. He was celebrating his b-day with another friend of his from South Africa. I asked him what he thought of our Irish pubs here in AZ. He said it wasn't too bad & that Rosie's was pretty close to the real deal. He then proceeded to point out good whiskeys they had. If the Irish guy likes Rosie's then so do I!
This place was popping off when I showed up around 11. TONS of people. Of course they had their parking lot sectioned off too. Dear lord but there were a lot of cops around :(
The pub felt close & cozy. Service was fast. Didn't see any girls running around in ridiculously short plaid skirts like at Finnegans though.
Guinness was $6. Ugh lame! I got hooked up though. The bartender handed me a larger glass than other people's while winking at me. My new Irish drinking buddy ordered 3 Irish car bombs & if I remember correctly & it was $24.
Don't ask me what the restroom was like. I don't remember it. I'm sure it was gross by the end of the night & I had to wait in line.
This place was a hit. I'm curious to know what it's like here on a regular night.