After spending years of being ripped off by multiple pool companys, my wife and I decided that it was time to educate ourselves on how to properly maintain our pool. After doing research online, we contacted Bee Clean Pools mainly based on reviews we read. Best investment we have made in a long time.
Casey came onsite to our house, to teach us how to properly maintain our own pool as each system can be unique. We covered literally every aspect of maintaining our pool. Not only how to check and properly maintain our chemicals, but also checking each valve, labeling what each one did and how we can adjust water pressure on different parts of the system. We even went through a complete DE filter tear down and cleaning. Something I had been paying a pool company $150 to do every 6 months, and after learning how to do this myself realizing the companys I had been paying never once did a thorough job.
I would highly recommend Bee Clean's pool school to anyone who owns a pool. Even if you do not plan on maintaining or doing repairs yourself, being educated on whats involved will save you a ton of money over the long run.