Dr. C Jones is THE BEST!!! I've had a great overall surgical experience. The surgery coordinator, business staff, and staff at Charlotte Surgery Center are outstanding. My only issue happened today when I attempted to request a renewal of my pain medicine via phone. The receptionist was unprofessional from the second she picked up my call. I asked if it would be possible to have the new Rx sent electronically to a pharmacy (so I could have my prescription delivered, as I'm home alone and can't drive). She told me that "by law" the office couldn't send any narcotic Rx electronically. I informed her that I was a licensed pharmacist in NC and I knew this wasn't true. I asked if this was just their corporate policy, and she again tried to school me on pharmacy law. I almost told her to just forget it and I'd deal with the pain. It's very discouraging to have such an ill-advised receptionist as the gatekeeper to receiving appropriate pain medicine. I wouldn't be surprised if my request never makes it back to the medical staff. We shall see.