So this place is a deal if you are looking for really great prices and I wanted to love it - but the longer I was there, the less I wanted to come back. This is an american restaurant that happens to serve steak made by a cook - not a true steakhouse.
I showed up on a busy night without a resv and they were very nice about squeezing me in to a little corner table. I wasn't sure if my table was even assigned to my waiter but that maybe he was doing it as a favor. I started with mushroom steak soup and the portion was substantial and delicious. The start and the finish were super promising for this meal with a creme-brulee with a ton of berries on top. It didn't even bother me that there was a dusty and mushy strawberry included because i just took it off and the remainder of the berries was still plentiful.
For my main course I ordered the ribeye - which showed up on my table with giant crab legs - which i didn't order and can't eat due to a stupid allergy. Sometime later, my steak showed up with a mushroom sauce, brocolini and potatoes au gratin. The mushroom sauce was very similar to the soup (i wonder if it was the same base). The steak was filled with connective tissue and tough veins. I worked hard to cut around the worst parts and I felt bad trying to deftly take a few of the chewiest pieces out of my mouth without being obvious. I probably ate 60 percent of the steak but that was large enough for any guy. The brocolini was fresh but had little flavor - i usually love that side. The potatoes tasted great with a ton of cheese but they were undercooked even though they were sliced super thin. Like the steak, the potatoes were a very healthy portion. If they had been completely cooked - it would have been great.
My waiter was very nice and super pleasant, just not all that attentive. When I started dinner, the place was slammed but after about 30 mins it slowed down to half capacity. The fewer people I saw in the restaurant, the less I saw of my waiter strangely enough. My iced tea didn't get filled once during my main course and I had to ask for the house bread that i heard other patron's making a big deal about. I really did enjoy two of the three breads, I just wish I had received it sooner. And when I was finished with a plate or dish, it wouldn't get taken off my table. I even tried placing on the edge of the far side of the table - but that didn't seem to have an effect.