About 2 weeks ago I purchased a Micheal Koors from very good friend and she informed me that al the watch needed is a battery replacement it should cost about $8-$10. I took my watch up and owner informed the battery was $20 and it would take 30mins. When I returned the owner told me that it's not the battery acid leaked in the watch and it would cost 165 but the part couldn't be ordered until Tuesday. He also stated that the battery was never changed and that caused the acid to leak. I spoke yo my friend and she stated that information was incorrect I go pick up my watch and take it to another place. I explained to him the situation when he opened the watch there was no battery in my watch when there was. He replaced the battery and my watch has been working excellent since then. What could have cost me $165 only cost me $10. I went back to him to let the owner know what he did when I told him that there was no battery in my watch when I picked my watch up he stated "what" I than began to ramble his words and wanted to go with me where I got my battery replaced. The he calls and text me. I will never go to him again!!!