Let's face it... who wants to go to the emissions test center and wait in line? After all, it does ADD a task to renewing a car's registration. And who wants to deal with the DMV. Oh, me, of course. alas, visiting the emissions test centers in AZ is something that us folks with 5+year old cars must do every couple of years.
Here is my take on this particular station in a quick and down and dirty review that should help you figure things out.
#1. Check the website to see what the wait time is.
#2. READ the signs posted above the bays BEFORE you instinctively decide to take the shorter line. SOMETIMES, the longer line goes faster because it is for cars that are younger than 10 years old. READ the signs first!
#3. Be prepared to get out of your car when you pull in to the bay. They need to get in your car to hook up the device that reads your car's computer. BE PREPARED. Have your card ready.
#4. Don't wait until the last minute! Go BEFORE your expiration date, like on the 17th of the month or the 10th.
I kicked this review down to #3 because the station at 16th street handled a bigger crowd more efficiently. Let's face it, we just want to get the heck outta there and efficiency is much more important to me. The staff was still friendly and operated with fast precision. They know what they are doing.