We had a Cox Home Security system installed in March 2013. We have had various problems with it's operation. When we telephone for repair we are either placed on hold for an extended (more than 20 minutes) time, disconnected or a repair visit is scheduled without anyone showing up.
We have ask to have the system removed and have been told we must pay a total disconnection charge and early termination fee totaling $165.00. On two occasions we stayed home to meet with their service people to disconnect and they never showed up.
We feel that our time has not been respected nor their agreements followed through. We have various record of being texted several hundred times for a door opening and closing repeatedly all in the same time frame, have had the battery swollen and replaced which the service person said was close to exploding, and the system not responding to doors being opened or closed at numerous times. We have record of calling numerous times in the last 2 years for correction. We have been disconnected from Cox technical support and have never been telephoned back after they have expressed they have our telephone number and would telephone us back if we were disconnected.
Cox security makes us feel that we are bullied and forced to tolerate their very bad service by their conduct and unnecessary pressure that we are forced to pay their early termination fees.
We have experienced people walking into our backdoor during the night and there was no indication from the security system. We have called various times for repair or replacement and have not had anyone show up. We are not to be considered fans or supporters of Cox Home Security.