As I mentioned in a previous review, I'm generally not a big fan of sandwiches but sometimes I get hungry and just want a quick fix without going through the whole kit and caboodle of getting a knife and fork involved.
I've heard/read good things about Banh Mi Boys so I popped in. Never been. So I asked the cashier which sandwiches are popular. She said the 5 Spice Pork Belly and the Kalbi Beef . So I ordered a pork belly sandwich and a Braised Beef steamed bao.
I don't really know what the big deal is about these sandwiches. Maybe it's just that I'm a sandwich hater at heart.
The beef bao was decent but neither really wowed me.
If I get hungry while walking by a Banh Mi Boys location again, maybe I'll give the Kalbi Beef sandwich a go. Or maybe I'd be better off just looking for a good pho spot.