| - Amidst the chaos, rubbish, and wonderment of Las Vegas, lies a quaint, friendly, and truly awesome Cafe.
The food here is excellent. Room For Improvements: Service
The food was fantastic. You can taste the freshness of its ingredients with every bite. I ordered the Malawach Pizza. I relished in its ambrosial smells and tastes, and it left me craving more. It is a perfect hangover food, and is exactly what I needed early in the morning, before the big drive back to Los Angeles.
Another great aspect to this place is its commitment to vegetarian and kosher dishes. This is perhaps the reason why certain options on the menu are not available at a given time. Due to their commitment to freshness, quality and kosher foods, they will not serve the food unless it is without a doubt fresh. With no compromises.
This place is certainty a well needed breathe of fresh air in the arena of healthy and quality restaurants. Their prices are reasonable, their dishes are delectable, their Israeli music is bumping, and their hospitality will always be engraved in my mind the next time I venture out to Las Vegas.