| - Ok, for the past year, I've been liking this lab, by lab I mean blood work clinic, not labador retriver. I have one, he is almost 1 year old, his name is sparky and I love him. Ok, excuse my lame joke, let's gets down to business. So, for the last little while, I've been going to this lab for bloodwork, and getting it done when I'm in the area. Last time, as mentioned, I go on this lab between my classes at SAIT, easy one train stop away. And, this time, I was seen early again as I arrived early. My appointment was 2:30, and I was out of the lab, and on the c train home by 2:44. Why only 3 stars today, well I almost got poked twice. Let me explain.
So, the girl who drew my blood today was in her 20s. Which is ok with me, I never judge other people by their age. But the problem was, she seemed a little sick. She coughed into her elbow and she was sniffing a little. But, she was well enough to do this one blood test for me. She was by no means rude, but wasn't overly pleasant( I'm not disappointed, very few techs are overlly pleasant). So she was like " ready?" then on goes the tourniquet, clean the arm, and she prepared to poke me. When she did, there was no blood flow into the tube, and I started panicking and hyperventilating, fearing that I might get poked twice. She was digging for the vein, for about 30 seconds, which they are never supposed to do. Then she replaced the test tube, got a new test tube, and to my relief, blood started to flow. I don't think the problem was the test tube, that caused no blood to flow, it likely was her lack of skill, sorry for sounding rude. While she was struggling, the needle was at a 45 degree angle to my arm.
Good news is I pressed onto the cotton ball for a while afterwards, and no bruising. Now, I really hope that I didn't catch whatever illness she had. I have a good immune system, but if I do, I'll never come back to this lab again.
Now, note that my less than satisfactory experience has nothing to do with the lab. I haven't explained my previous meeting with the other lab techs in my last review. So I shall do that now.
First time: I was so glad that I switched labs. The lab tech I met was a student from SAIT, just like me. She, being a student, asked me more questions than other experienced lab techs did, maybe she was taught to ask these questions in her classes. She asked how I felt about blood tests, if I had needlephobia. Then she tried to find a vein in my left arm, couldn't do so, so she switched over to my left arm. She warned me before she poked, and got the blood on the first try. Fantastic for a student. I was in a purple room with her and she was wearing lavendar purple gloves. If someone puts on purple gloves, i'm not scared of them anymore.
Second time: An more experienced lab tech did my bloodwork and I didn't even feel the poke. Only light pressure, amazing.
Third time: I've had this tech twice. She's a chinese lady in her late fifties, I had high expectations of her, cause I know chinese nurses, back in China, start countles IV's everyday, so they are experienced. This lady however, couldn't find the vein in my right arm, which is easier to find than the one on the left arm. It's bigger. In both of my sessions with her, she couldn't find the vein the the right arm. Suprising. I think nursing wasn't her original career in China.
Fourth time: Another young girl who was amazing. Found the vein in the right arm, got it in the first try.
Fifth time: This young girl, who had salon curled hair like me. She was super busy that day. But she was quick and efficent and got the blood from my right arm, with just a dull pain from the poke that's all.
Sixth time: The lady today.