Hickory Grove has the potential to be a great veterinary clinic, but they are too hung up on "protocol." I am fostering a dog my neighbor was unable to keep. I knew the puppy had roundworms, but wanted a stool test done to make sure there was nothing else. Round worms can be RX'd over the counter, some other things can't. They REFUSED to test the stool without doing a $42 exam on the dog, I understand that they won't prescribe meds without seeing the dog, but all I asked for was the stool test. Upon hearing the results I could opt to RX OTC, or if additional parasites were found pay for the exam and follow up. It would not have reflected on their clinic either way. Well, they refused and another vet clinic did it. Guess which clinic will have my continued business? I live near to Hickory Grove and would love to patronize a local clinic. But these times are very hard economically and sometimes using a little common sense saves much $ and in the long run helps save dogs and cats. In a perfect world, we always dot every I and cross every T, but sometimes we can't. Hickory Grove-please don't be so anal!