I was in this store tonight and was harassed and stalked by an employee named Cory. We were trying to buy a water heater. My mom asked him a question and he just ignored her and walked by. I repeated the question and he started screaming at me in a very threatening way. I felt very unsafe and started to walk out of the aisle. Cory followed me until my husband had to block him and tell him to leave me alone. Cory went the other way down the aisle, turned down the next aisle and then proceeded to follow me through the store in a threatening manner. I spoke to the next store employee I found, wherein Cory hid behind a corner, and I explained the situation and asked her for a security escort out of the store. She told me to wait in an aisle while she went to find someone. So this was obviously not safe. I walked out of the store, with Cory following me, with him confronting me and stalking me like an animal. He had a crazy look in his eyes. This guy was clearly unstable.
My husband spoke with a manager and I had a manager meet us at the front of the store. The manager apologized, but I will never set foot in that store again. I have never felt so unsafe in a retail store in my life.