I wish there were negative stars. I had my children (3 and 1.5) enrolled for 2 months, they had never been in the care of anyone but family & the center knew this when i signed them up. Well, after 2 months of my children hating going to "school" my husband & i decided to take them out & try again in a couple months. 11 days after the last time they attended (on July 3) my 3 y/o went and pulled his brothers hair, when asked why he said, "WHEN I CRY AT SCHOOL MY TEACHER PULLS MY HAIR." I called the following Wednesday to inform the director of this, Britney & I arranged for me to bring my son in so he could show us the "teacher". He pointed her out & Britney got very defensive towards the whole situation because "her son was in that class room and she was always looking in and checking in on the room" meanwhile, she wasn't there on Wednesdays (the day my kids attended) so how would she know what was going on when she wasn't there?? The Sunshine House's cooperate office said this was a confidential matter & I didn't need to be informed of anything else in the "investigation." The state said since there are no cameras in the rooms (red flag #1) and (obviously) the "teacher" didn't admit to abuse my child so, there is nothing more they can do. So, she is still in the class room...I would be very careful of enrolling your child in this center. PLEASE ask your children questions!!! they may be young, but you know what they say, if you want the truth ask a drunk person or a CHILD. This was a learned action & I can assure you he didn't learn it in my home.