Andie helped me within a matter hours of inquiring on a vehicle online. The process was quick and smooth. I told her my monetary limits and they worked with me with what I requested and I left with a stellar deal. Rueben checked in with me as well as reassured me with the price and rebates. My test drive was awesome as they had the car parked and ready for us to try it.
At that point I had been negotiating with other dealerships however the difference was I didn't feel haggled or pressured. I had some other dealerships I was working with that had at that point called me numerous times, texted me, left messages over and over again pressuring the sale. This was not the case here at Mark Mitsubishi. She basically showed me the rebates/discounts and reassured me that this was the better which is was. She was personable and very family oriented. :) I came in on a Thursday evening accepted the deal and did paperwork (was pre-approved by my financial institution) and they delivered my vehicle the next day. Probably the easiest vehicle purchase I have made.
Although I was not referred by anyone to Mark Mitsubishi, I will say the dynamic of the dealership itself was positive and very family friendly. The hours they were open were also a plus. I left feeling confident and at ease and my son and I enjoy this new vehicle! Not so much with what insurance will be with a new TEEN DRIVER!! LOL!