| - I've attended this particular branch of Redemption Church for over a year now and unfortunately I won't be going back. It's not because of the Sunday services. I actually enjoy Pastor Ricardo's teaching and he seems like a great guy too. And it's not because of the congregation either. I know several people from this church and everyone I've met are nice folks.
However, the issue is a more serious one and insidious in nature. To get involved at Redemption Tempe you are required to become a member of the church. To become a member, you are required to enter into what they call a "church covenant". This is basically a written agreement between you and the church where you agree to submit to their authority in all spiritual matters including: biblical interpretation, how to properly read the bible, church doctrines & creeds, church beliefs, church authority, etc. This all applies to your life.
While this may sound like something reasonable - it's not. It is actually a form of institutionalization. You see, Redemption Tempe is part of the bigger Redemption Church, which is comprised of 10 Redemption campuses located throughout the state of Arizona. Beyond, Redemption Church is part of several parent networks including Acts 29 Network and the Gospel Coalition. These networks actually span the globe internationally and influence multitudes with the goal of continually planting more churches and assuming control over struggling churches with diminishing congregations.
These larger networks are made of board members, which are mostly the pastors of the most popular congregations. Although you have church boards at every level of this corporate hierarchy, it is at this highest level where the influence is greatest. So basically you have board room full of men deciding what hundreds thousands (if not millions) of people are to believe about God! This is not good & actually very scary!!
As a believer you are to be led by the Holy Spirit of God not be told by men (regardless of their title, position, age, education level, experience, personal accomplishments or religious status) what to believe or how to act in regards to matters of faith. Essentially, this type of Church has replaced God has the spiritual authority. And people are jumping on board left and right thinking they are serving God when they are being deceived.
The only covenant required from you as a Christian is with Jesus. You are to keep Jesus first place in all areas of your life. There is no higher authority! Don't confuse doing church works as serving God. If you sign a church covenant you are basically whoring yourself out spiritually. If churches like Redemption aren't trusting in God to lead their congregation - then don't attend them. It's dangerous to your soul.
If you don't believe me and want to know more Google "Are Church Convenants Biblical". Remember to take into account the ones supporting church covenants are the ones in the network! Also be sure to check on the online sermons of Milton Green, especially the series entitled "The Church Today Asleep and In Bondage". Also, read the book (available free online) The Harlot Church System by Charles Newbold. Thank you for reading and may God bless you richly!