| - Well, we don't have nothing like this out Burlington, VT way. At least in terms of doughnuts. Had spent almost a week in Vegas (out in South Point land) before stumbling across it. Was being good and got almost a block away before yelling to the sky, "OK! I'll go." Like to pretend it was a higher spirit but was probably just my earth pig (Chinese Medicine) nature. That part of me that loves the things of this planet, the sensuousness of life experiences.
Not a difficult thing, to engage in sensuality here. I had to stop the person behind the counter after describing the eighth of 12 donuts. Sensory overload. While the dark chocolate covered Boston creme was giving me that, "Oh, you so know you want to" look, I tried to err on the side of something a bit less rich and dark. So I went with the Key Lime. Yes, less dark. No, not less rich.
Just a note to all those who prefer to eat their donuts with their pinkies extended, this is not the place for you. Off with thee!!! High thee to a place where donuts are singular in your experience of them. Here we have crafted objects d'culinary art.
Yes, if you're not careful, you will find portions of your donuts everywhere. The wife took one look at me, halfway through my donut and lost it. If you've ever seen a man with a dark beard with key lime filling dripping... need I say more.
Anyhow, the donut was wonderful. Maybe, just maybe, a little bit more lime zest with the filling but I'm an extremist.
The best thing about this place, well, one of the best things, is that it is very possible to eat two, maybe even three donuts. They are not humongous (remember Rose's in Portland, Oregon, anyone).
I really, really wished we had found this place at the beginning instead of the end of our trip.
We have been so taken with the non-Strip Las Vegas that we are going to attempt to snow-bird it this coming winter.
I am very lucky to have a partner who understands how amazing food is to me. Even though it is not probably the smartest dietary thing I could do, I plan on four a week, come January.
If you're coming to O Face, try to keep in mind, this is art. it gets messy. Sometimes it doesn't work. Sometimes it's not about what you think it should be. Culinary art is about expanding the possibilities. Learning to enjoy the misses for how they speak to the possibilities is a great skill to pick up.