Let's just say my first day at LA fitness was not all that great. First the lady at the front desk was really rude and then the next person that helps us was even ruder. I was trying to get a guest pass and my friend and I did not realize that you have to print it out before you come to LA Fitness in order to use a guess pass. So, if you decide to bring a friend just make sure they print it out before you go.
Anyway after all of that the last guy we talked to was really nice to us and let me in for free that day for all the trouble we had earlier that day, because we had to go back to my house and print out a guess pass.
Well we had an awesome time playing racquetball and I also joined the gym too. It is my first membership at a gym and I'm excited to work out all the time. So far it is going great. Hopefully the gym will open at the correct time and not a half an hour late.