I love a good grocery store and am always amazed at the bounty of beautiful fruits and veggies found in an American supermarket, but no amount of good fruit is going to excuse a complete lack of customer service found in Smith's grocery stores lately. Yeah, I know times are tough but is it so difficult to have at least ONE check out counter with an actual human being working? I despise self check out (hey, at least give me a 10% discount or something!) and will opt to stand in line, even when purchasing one item, in order to make a statement that self checkout is BS, but Smith's doesn't even give you this option anymore. They also don't even have all of their lights turned on, which is eerie and very cheap of them. I go to Smith's for a quality experience, if I wanted a ghetto experience I would go the place where you bag your own groceries and get the discount... oh wait, at Smith's I do have to bag my own groceries... and check myself out... and still no price reduction?