| - Oh I am SO disappointed! Over the last week in June I scoped out four area bike shops in search of my very first bicycle. During that time I went to Bicycle Haus where I spoke with Shasta, the owner about what I was looking for in a bike and what my budget was. She was great and immediately pointed me in the direction of the Specialized Carmel I, giving me loads of reasons it would be the perfect bike for me. When I saw the price tag I relayed my budget concerns and she said "You know, we can make it work for you," and then helpfully talked me through all the accessories that I would need to have a safe, pleasant ride. I told her my time frame to buy was about three weeks later, thanked her very much and went on my way. After visiting the other 3 shops I still liked my experience with BH the best and was also pleased with it's proximity to my house which would make getting there for tune ups and future supply needs extremely easy.
Fast forward selector: I walk in on a Tuesday, just to talk to someone about renting the bike before I bought it, and was pointed to John (Shasta wasn't there) and we talked briefly about the model, purchasing and renting. I was a little put off by him because even though there were three other guys working there, he would leave me to go answer the phone and ring up other customers. Come on dude, let's focus on customer service here. I decided to go back a few days later to speak with Shasta again directly.
When I went in two days later, Shasta was there but didn't remember me, nor attended to me. I found John who also had a hard time remembering who I was FROM TWO DAYS AGO and we went over all the things I would need again and I told him flat out that Shasta had told me we could make my budget work with this specific bike. He stood there looking at me blankly, pointed to the price tag and said, "well I don't know what she told you but the price is $450." Then I asked him if he would put together an invoice so I could see exactly how much all of this was going to cost me. More blank staring, then he told me he didn't know how so he left me at the counter just waiting for someone else to help me. Shasta attended to a few other people who were milling around and then said she could do the proposal for me. Still no recognition. After we went through everything the price was almost $200 more than I could spend! I walked out extremely frustrated.
I'm sure you could explain away not remembering me, but I work in a similar small, specialized industry and even if I don't remember names I always remember faces and frankly in this economy I don't believe that Bicycle Haus has a ton of people coming in looking to purchase their first bike right now. I find both John and Shasta's behavior very off-putting and very disappointing. I am all for supporting small businesses and ESPECIALLY women-owned businesses but there's no way I would ever recommend Bicycle Haus to a novice rider/shopper based on my very Jekyl and Hyde experiences.