This isn't a review for the store as a whole, but rather just the pain in the colon of trying to buy spray paint. Look.....I'm a 47 year old disabled veteran, not in a gang and have absolutely no desire to deface public property in the middle of the night because I lack imagination & my mommy didn't love me enough. All I want is some damn paint for one of my honey-do projects!
I walk into Lowes knowing exactly what I want (one lousy stinking can of flat black Krylon). I go to the paint section, find most of the spray paint locked up in a cage like some common criminal. I say "most" of the paint because gray primer is left uncaged on a different shelf (it must have made a break for it and is now living the good life next to the masking tape).
I see the paint I need, but not an employee in sight. I walked around the store for a good 3 to 4 minutes trying to find the paint warden with a key. Well, I finally get the paint and go to the checkout after the paint nazi half my age looks me up and down...probably to make sure I'm not some miscreant from her misguided generation that is planning a night of tagging.
There's only one lane open and there is quite a long line, so I make the mistake of going to self-checkout. I scan the can and the display says "Age verification needed"!!! Are you kidding me??? I have to wait for another employee to give me another once-over. I get her final blessing and I'm outta there!!!