I am writing another update as someone by the ame of susan who is not the manager has commented pretty much calling my a liar and saying that they checked footage. miss " susan", you calling me a liar is incorrect.. in fact security was called that night and showed up and asked the group of teens to turn off their music and keep the noise at a minimum.. I have the time I noticed security out on that call and I did in fact go into the leasing office and asked if you all recieved the reports from security just to make sure and the leasing office said they did.. so in other words "susan", you checked the footage and didnt see anything yet a call wa made and security was called out and your leasing office acknowledges it? its ok if you want to make the Wyatt seem better than it really is but calling paying renters liars on yelp I dont think is the most professional way to go about it.. I dont gain anything by posting this, its a platform for residents to share their experiences, both good and bad.. unfortunately most have been bad as you can see from the list..