I appreciate comics. I truly do. They are little works of art that people pour their hearts and souls into. I just have never had the patience to get into them. I think it's the pictures that distract me. Bear in mind that a piece of string can usually distract me.
Samurai Comics is a little shop I drive by at least twice a day. I finally stopped by to investigate and lo and behold, wall to wall comic books. The newest issues of most any comic book you can imagine and a whole section of back issues. A selection of underground comics and 'zines are available for sale as well. All the comics were very neatly displayed and everything was very organized. They obviously care about what they're selling.
If your walls are covered in action figures (mint in package!) you can find your fair share of them here. There is also quite a large selection of Anime on DVD (used and new for sale) and Manga to check out. Trading cards are also available for those of you who are Yugi-Poke-Magic fans.
The gentleman behind the counter was very friendly and asked me if I needed any help finding anything. When I left, he thanked me for coming by. I told him I'd be back soon and odds are, I will be. There's this Wonder Woman action figure I've had my eye on...