| - I tried True REST for the very first time yesterday after doing some extensive online research. I don't suffer from any pain luckily, the main reason I was drawn to the idea of floating is the detox benefits and the intense relaxation it provides. I am always so stressed out! To be able to go into the float tank, pull the lid down, and float in complete darkness was totally euphoric to me. My body relaxed almost instantly. The soft music that plays at the beginning and end of your session really sent me into a lovely, dreamy coma. To be honest, I was a little disappointed when my session was over. I know a few people have mentioned that they get bored after laying there for an hour.. but I was enjoying it so much that the time flew by for me!
I was a little afraid at first of feeling claustrophobic inside the tank. However, once I got in, I didn't feel that way at all. The tank is quite large, and knowing I could easily open and close the lid was comforting to me. I spent half of my float with the lights off, and then half with them on. I enjoyed watching the gradual shift of colors as the music was playing, it was beautiful.
The only difficulty I had was trying to keep my mind still and focused on my breathing. I kept thinking about things I had to do later on that day, if I had remembered to feed the dog on my way out, etc. As I was leaving, I explained this to Danny, the sweet and informative counter guy at True REST, and he suggested that when this happens, let the thought in your mind run its course, and then let go of it.
When my session was over, I felt extremely relaxed, almost in a daze. Sitting down and enjoying a cup of tea in the waiting area allowed me to gather myself together so I could drive home safely. ;)
I ended up signing up for a membership because I most definitely want to float again. To get all the benefits, you must do it regularly.
I've been telling all my friends about True REST! I think it's an amazing practice that needs more recognition. If you're considering trying this, please do! You'll be so very glad you did.