Our service was... not great. However I'm still giving them a 4-Star rating because the food was really good.
I may have been thrown off by the fact that we walked in the door and no one greeted us by saying hi, or telling us we could sit wherever. But we figured it out.
I may have also been uncomfortable with the fact that we sat at a table near the window where there were three trays of liquid for catching fruit flies... that were full of dead fruit flies. But I guess it's been than in our food.
We ordered after the waitress came over about 20 minutes into being there. Our food also took at least 30 minutes to come out.
If you're in a hurry or are turned off by dining with unshowered college kids, probably don't eat here.
If you're fine with a limited menu of greasy spoon goodness with a classic "indifferent attitude" approach to customer service, check it out. It's an experience. And it was really good. I was hungover... but it hit the spot!
We also had to wait quite awhile to pay. Like... a long time. Set aside an hour or two to dine here. But I still recommend it. For some reason, it's charming.