This place is a complete joke. DO NOT GO HERE! People that are leaving the raving reviews have no idea what a massage is supposed to feel like. I went with 4 of my girlfriends thinking that we were going to have a relaxing time but ended up being feeling like we were bullied in to leaving a $10 tip when the service was below par. We walked in when they were finishing up a group of guys and were asked to wait a few minutes which was not a big deal. They brought our new buckets of water for our feet immediately after the guys left and started to have us seated. What i found most disgusting is that I'm not sure any of the people washed their hands after the guys had left and before massaging us. I can't even call the people providing the massages 'masseuses' because that would be an insult to the actual trained professionals. The people giving the massages were obviously not trained since my guy was very rough in all the wrong places, even while he was supposed to be gently massaging my head and face. And did I mention that I'm not sure if he washed his hands after rubbing the feet of the guy before me? The whole payment and tipping process is so uncomfortable because when you ask for change for a $20, the lady automatically gives you 2 $10s even when you ask for a $5. I had to specifically ask for a $5. All the people that give the massages line up like kids at an ice scream truck waiting for their tips. I tipped my guy 5 after we were done and he had the nerve to demand $10 for tip. What a joke! He said that he gets $10 for good service and $5 only if I didn't think his service was good. I told him it wasn't good and he look like he was about to punch me in the face. This made the whole experience totally uncomfortable for me and my friends. When my friends tried to give $5 to their people the head lady told everyone to just accept it. My guy even came out yelling at us as left the place and were walking to our car. I agree that you get what you pay for and this place isn't exactly the Ritz Carlton. However, no patron should feel threatened to give a certain amount of tip.