Do not come here!!!! This place is RIP OFF!! Please be aware with The guy working in front his name is PEDRO GRACIA!!! Decided to come here because i saw on google they have a high review 4and half stars. But i didnt check on yelp!!!
Start with this:
Today in the morning before i came i was make a phone call. I call and i asked how much for alignments? He said 69.99 . And change oil cost 49.99. I asked him do u have any discount for oil , yess i can give you 10.00 off! Which is gonna be 39.99$ after discount.
He gave me receipts to sign with the amount before discount and he asked me to sign. I told him why u didn't take off the 10.00 off and i saw on the paper the one he want me to sign ,he charged me Oil filter, Oil change labor, wasted oil and filter disponsal fee ? And i said what is this? He said he gonna fix it after i sign.. after sign he said u can pay later when ur car is finish..
I was there arround 3pm. And drop my car key. I asked them how long? He said 1 half hours!! Arround 5pm before i take my car i call them and i asked my car is it ready? He say 15 more mins!! And finally when i ready pick up my car, suddenly he said u need to changed ur battery. Ur battery is broken!! Well it was ok Earlier, there is no any problem. I dont know what they did to my car. Told him can you jumper my car? He said ur battery is broken, cant fix it!! I asked him how much if i want change the battery he said cost 109$.
After that i end up pay 119$. Idk what they charge 10$ more.. he said u already sign the paper so you need to pay this amount !!
Definitely this place is RIP OFF!!!!