If not for the curteous and very professional bar tender . . . I would have most likely gotten up and left. It's been years since I've been in an establishment ran under such lax prefessionalism. To start, I walk in to the host standing at the front desk with his hands down the front of his pants, almost to the elbows tucking in his pants.
As I order I watch several employees drinking at the bar and placing their cups around on teb back side of the bar to pick up often, granted I am sure they were only soda, but this behavior was never acceptable at any establishment I've owned or worked at in my youth.
I then get to watch one of the lead, I guess waiters as he was wearing a red shirt, rubbing up against and kissing on a young red headed waitress, as both stood at the bar, in plain view of the customers.
The most surprising part, is that the Manager was walking to for and talking to all of these individuals the whole time, not like he wasn't aware of the behavior.
Times have really changed