I called ahead and spoke with a women in the morning to make sure they had ground veal available and she said they had plenty. I have heard about this butcher shop for years and my Dad just moved across the street so I figured I would check it out. When I got there I ordered the ground veal. The man behind the counter directed me to the freezer and told said they only carry frozen veal. Unfortunately I planned on preparing the veal that same day. I bought some ground beef fresh and left. While I was pulling out a women with blond hair started to run toward my vehicle. She stopped me and introduced herself she is the manager. She asked if I was the person she spoke with on the phone earlier and I said yes. She started to apologize about the miscommunication and said it was her fault that I come there and left with no veal. I thought this was very very classy and professional! Nobody is perfect and yes this butcher shop does not need me as a customer but look, everybody makes mistakes and I really appreciate when someone can say sorry and really mean it. And thanks to the young handsome man that brought me out my cell phone that I forgot by the register. It's no wonder they do such a great business!