| - Every rare record you could ever hope to want. Yeah, you're not going to find an outrageous steal here, but the records are reasonably priced and this is BY FAR the best collectible record store I have ever been in outside of New York City. There are so many rare records, in fact, that celebrities shop here all the time. Once I saw Elton John seated in a corner going through blues albums and putting them in a box. (In the Elton John section of most record stores, you'll find Elton John albums. Here, you'll find ELTON FREAKING JOHN HIMSELF!)
Regarding the other reviews, yes, the experience is a very NYC one, and the owner can be curmudgeonly -- especially if you try to haggle, because he knows what he has -- but that's part of the charm of this place. And it's a hoot to hear the owner argue with his staff members. Oh, and if you bristle at a PG-rated photo of him with a porn star, go shop for Pat Boone records somewhere else and fuck yourself. This store ROCKS!