When on our furniture hunt we came upon DirectBuy via a Google search. A lot of people probably have seen their commercials on tv. We set up an appointment to see what DirectBuy offers and were shocked at the number of follow up calls after we set up the time.
Have you ever signed up for a time share deal? Where you have to sit down and listen to their spiel about their product and why it's worth more than the costly membership they are about to tell you.
After an hour long presentation you are hit with the price. I am totally fine with the price, what is upsetting is they need your money before you leave the building. If you leave the deal is off. You can never go back to DirectBuy to become a member.
This is like used car sales x10. I totally see the savings using DirectBuy, but to use strong arm tactics like that is absolutely unethical. I can only imagine the number of people they scare or force into their club.
I knew they offered a 30 day trial, but the salesperson never mentioned it to us. I had to remind him about it, which I could tell was upsetting for him.
I would love to pay full retail instead of putting money into the pockets of the DirectBuy Cult. I hope that this was just our experience and that others haven't had the full court sales press.
Needless to say, we will shop around and find the best price for the product. I would rather help this economy than DirectBuy!