Most people would think a grown man having his birthday party here would be incredibly call me incredibly weird because I had an awesome time celebrating my big with my friends!
I was looking for a fun place that wasn't too expensive where my friends could have a fun time and be silly. As soon as I walked in the front doors, I knew this was exactly what I was looking for!
In the time of tearing buildings down and opening something new any chance they get, Lloyds has stood the test of time and luckily for us, that time was the 80's.
You'll have a blast here no matter what, but just be careful not to make of those around you. Some will be there for the heck of it, but others will be hard roller skaters who may still be re-living the time of Doogie Howser and walk-mans.
This is a great venue of all ages and perfect for a rainy (or cold) day! You're going to feel silly going, but isn't that the point?