| - If you are not going to be there everyday to ensure things are done properly, then please go somewhere else. There are some great employees at Heights of Summerlin, but unfortunately there are many more bad employees.
The admitting people were great, answered all our questions accurately and followed up on the things they were suppose to follow-up on. Glenn was also helpful but it doesn't matter if the helpful people are not the ones who are caring for the patient.
My mom was in for two weeks (actually suppose to be discharged today) and has had one shower/bath. Her bath days are Monday and Thursday, and even when you "signup" for one the chance of getting one are slim to none. I spoke to the nurse on Thursday, in person, and she ensured me my mom would get her bath...never happened. This is is common thing for anything at this place. Suzie, one of the RN's was helpful but she is not there as much. The day time RN was a joke to her profession, I will not say her name as I do not believe in printing the names of the bad employees, but she works on the 100 west area during the day, dirty blonde hair. At least for me, her only skill is being great at lying and being lazy.
My mom was determined to be diabetic during her hospital stay prior to being sent here and it took me three days to get the "doctor" to notice her blood sugars and to get her on a diabetic diet. Once I pointed this out, she miraculously was getting her finger pricked 5-6 times a day but they still kept giving her foods with sugar. Completely irresponsible. As soon as I was able to get my mom to understand she could not eat or drink anything with sugar, she was able to go to a pill vs injections. But I am not a doctor or nurse and should not have had to do this.
The PT and OT were great, no complaints. Just make sure you visit with them at least once to let them know of any concerns and they will address them. Very professional and know there jobs.
But the Heights of Summerlin, in my opinion, have the lowest level of employees of any healthcare facility I have seen (I do work in the healthcare industry so see many) and they need to address this. Employees are only as good as there managers/supervisors, so they need to start at the top. I know the reimbursement is not great for most insurance companies, but we are talking about basic human interactions with people.
So, to sum it up, if your loved one is very sick and needs attention, do not send them here. Regardless, ensure you are on top of their one else is. I think they like the patients who do not have visitors, easier to ignore them. :(